
Foundation Module

The Foundation Module consisting of the first 6 of 58 lessons are the most critical because all other modules are built on the solid foundation to be laid in this module. This first module builds a sound foundation for understanding salvation by grace through faith introduced by the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Discipleship Module

The Discipleship Module has 14 lessons, that is, Lessons 7 to 20. Once you have a solid foundation in module 1, you are ready to get the sound groundings that module 2 will provide. The discipleship module will equip you in the doctrine of Christ and make you know who you believe so you will not be easily swayed by deceptions of the age.

Maturity Module

The Maturity Module consists of the last 38 lessons of the of the entire syllabus of this school. This is the module that turn you into a sound minister of the gospel, pastor of your own house and family, and to friends, neighbors and possibly a small congregation if you are inspired by the Holy Spirit to take such responsibility.

If you want to know God for yourself, if you want to understand God’s salvation in its simplest form, if you want to be a true disciple of Jesus Christ, if you want to fulfil your purpose in life, for your family, and in your career and ministry, this is what you have been waiting for. This is where you will correct all your belief and rise up to live the right life of peace health and favor God has planned for you.

Ultimately, Right Believing Produces Right Living. You can only change you life by correcting your belief

Foundation Module>
Foundations of Grace >
1.      Repentance from Dead Works
2.      Faith toward God
3.      Doctrine of Baptisms
4.      Laying on of Hands
5.      Resurrection of the Dead
6.      Eternal Judgment.
Discipleship Module>
Receiving Grace Part 1 >
7.      The Word
8.      The New Birth
9.      Eternal Salvation
10.   Everlasting Love
11.   Not under Law
12.   Dispensation of Grace
13.   We have Forgiveness
Receiving Grace Part 2 >
14.   Freed from Sin
15.   Holy Spirit Baptism
16.   Holiness and Sanctification
17.   Victory over Devils
18.   You have Overcome Them
19.   Saved, Freed and Delivered
20.   Spiritual Warfare
Ministerial Module>
Living Grace Life Part 1 >
21.   Thanksgiving
22.   Speaking in Tongues
23.   Knowing Christ
24.   New Testament Faith
25.   Walking in the Spirit
26.   Gifts of the Spirit
27.   Fruit of the Spirit
28.   Works of the flesh
Releasing Grace Part 1 >
29.   Charity
30.   Loving as Christ Loved Us
31.   My Brother’s Keeper
32.   Shinning as Light
33.   Fishers of Men
34.   Go make disciples
35.   Occupy till I Come
36.   Saved to be a Blessing
Receiving Grace Part 3 >
37.   Divine Health and Healings
38.   Name of Jesus
39.   Blood of Jesus
40.   Freed from Self
41.   Finished works of Christ
42.   Walking in Favor and Miracles
43.   New Testament Prayers
44.   Intercession and Supplications
Living Grace Life Part 2 >
45.   Doctrine of Christ
46.   Sowing and Reaping
47.   The Local Church
48.   Holy Communion
49.   New Testament Giving
50.   Church Accountability & Administration
51.   Fasting and Prayers
52.   Ministry Gifts and Calling
Releasing Grace Part 2 >
53.   Personal Walk with God
54.   Mystery of Marriage
55.   Bed Undefiled
56.   Divorce, Remarriage, Polygamy
57.   Stewardship, Diligence and Zeal
58.   Glorious Appearing